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The Magpie Arc - Greenswell

The Magpie Arc

Greenswell is a song written and sung Nancy Kerr from The Magpie Arc's third EP and was recorded in February 2020. On the day recording finished and on reading a newspaper headline the band remember musing as to "what this flu nonsense in China was all about!" Well, we found out soon enough and this grainy video was filmed at their various abodes during lockdown.

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4 minutes 29 seconds

Greenswell is a song written and sung by Nancy Kerr from The Magpie Arc's third EP.

Languages: English Subtitles: None

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The Magpie Arc - Darling Charms

Advice: General Available until 01 Jan 2030

The Magpie Arc - Don't Leave The Door Open

Advice: General 3 minutes 26 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

The Magpie Arc

Darling Charms

Available until 01 Jan 2030

Darling Charms written by Nancy Kerr was the very first song bashed out and thrashed into shape by The Magpie Arc when they formed in 2019, and this version was filmed live at the Silk Mill Studios in Staffordshire. Who ever thought they'd see Martin Simpson sliding a rocking guitar solo on a Telecaster?!

The Magpie Arc

Don't Leave The Door Open

3 minutes 26 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Don't Leave The Door Open is a song from The Magpie Arc's top 10 Official UK Folk Chart album Glamour In The Grey and features Nancy Kerr, Martin Simpson, Findlay Napier, Alex Hunter and Tom A. Wright. Is it a goodbye to an ex or is it about Scottish independence? Only writer Findlay Napier knows!