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Remember Me by Jill Hyem

Vintage Radio Plays

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 20 May 1978. Winner of the Giles Cooper Award. Directed by Kay Patrick. Starring Jill Balcon, Julian Glover and Sarah Badell.

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01 hours 22 minutes 22 seconds

A remote guest house , a haunting tune from a musical box, and an insane craving for revenge turn a holiday into a terrifying nightmare.

Languages: Subtitles:

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We, The Accused by Ernest Raymond

A classic story of love and murder.

Advice: General 01 hours 28 minutes 51 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Torment by Philip Levene

Intriguing story of a man who confesses to a murder he cannot prove.

Advice: General 01 hours 27 minutes 30 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Rightful Possession by Valerie Georgeson

Saturday night theatre - a ghost story

Advice: General 1 hours 26 minutes 20 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

The Sacred Flame by Somerset Maugham

A Play in Three Acts.

Advice: General 1 hours 30 minutes 58 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Something To Fear by John Graham.

A psychological thriller

Advice: General 27 minutes 26 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

A Glass of Lemonade by Barry Bermange

Disturbing crime drama

Advice: General 27 minutes 24 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

The Potting Shed by Graham Greene

Stirring psychological drama

Advice: General 1 hours 31 minutes 10 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Home at Seven by R. C . Sherriff

Gripping mystery drama

Advice: General 1 hours 25 minutes 21 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

The Late Edwina Black By William Dinner & William Morum

Melodramatic whodunnit

Advice: General 01 hours 25 minutes 44 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

To the Public Danger by Patrick Hamilton

Written as part of a British public safety campaign.

Advice: General 51 minutes 10 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

We, The Accused by Ernest Raymond

01 hours 28 minutes 51 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

First shown on BBC Radio 4 FM on 4th December 1971. Peter Jeffrey , Ann Bell and Pauline Letts. Adapted by Denis Constanduros. Produced by Martin Jenkins.

Torment by Philip Levene

01 hours 27 minutes 30 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

First broadcast on BBC Home Service on Sat 5th May 1962. With Barry Foster and Derek Bond. Produced by Robin Midgley.

Rightful Possession by Valerie Georgeson

1 hours 26 minutes 20 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 FM on 30th July 1977. Starring Elizabeth Bell and Alan Rothwell. Produced and directed by Alfred Bradley.

The Sacred Flame by Somerset Maugham

1 hours 30 minutes 58 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

First Broadcast on BBC Home Service Basic 17 July 1965. Starring Sybil Thorndike, with Jill Balcon and Carleton Hobbs. Adapted for radio by Peter Watts. Produced and directed By: Graham Gauld.

Something To Fear by John Graham.

27 minutes 26 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Starring Anthony Jacobs, Mary Wimbush and Malcolm Hayes. Produced by R D Smith. First broadcast on the BBC Home Service in August 1967.

A Glass of Lemonade by Barry Bermange

27 minutes 24 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Starring Frank Partington and Isla Cameron. Produced by Robin Midgley. First broadcast on BBC Home Service Basic on 28th February 1962

The Potting Shed by Graham Greene

1 hours 31 minutes 10 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Starring Sybil Thorndike and Robert Harris. Adapted for radio by Peggy Wells and produced by John Powell. First broadcast on BBC Home Service Basic, 20 March 1967.

Home at Seven by R. C . Sherriff

1 hours 25 minutes 21 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Starring Patrick Barr, Isabel Dean and James Thomason. Produced by Martyn C. Webster. First Broadcast on BBC Home Service Basic, 3rd December 1966

The Late Edwina Black By William Dinner & William Morum

01 hours 25 minutes 44 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Murder mystery starring Stephen Murray, Catherine Lacey, Raymond Huntley & Beatrice Varley. Produced by Raymond Raikes. First Broadcast on BBC Home Service Basic, 7th January 1950.

To the Public Danger by Patrick Hamilton

51 minutes 10 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Produced and directed by John Cheatle. First broadcast on Friday 1st November 1940 on BBC Home Service Basic