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The New Catacomb by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Vintage Radio Plays

Adapted by R. J. B. Sellar from the short story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Starring Howard Marion-Crawford and Brian Wilde Produced by R. D. Smith First broadcast: Tue 25th Nov 1958, 21:00 on Light Programme

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27 minutes 50 seconds

' It's not just an ordinary darkness, is it? It seems to press on you it almost smothers you ... '

Languages: English Subtitles: No

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To the Public Danger by Patrick Hamilton

To the Public Danger by Patrick Hamilton

Advice: General 51 minutes 10 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Unman, Wittering and Zigo by Giles Cooper

Unman, Wittering and Zigo by Giles Cooper

Advice: General 01 hours 14 minutes 20 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Hanging Judge by Raymond Massey

Hanging Judge by Raymond Massey

Advice: General 01 hours 27 minutes 16 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Appointment with Fear - And The Deep Shuddered by Monckton Hoffe

And The Deep Shuddered by Monckton Hoffe

Advice: General 27 minutes 28 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Appointment with Fear - The Clock Strikes Eight by John Dickson Carr

The Clock Strikes Eight by John Dickson Carr

Advice: General 30 minutes 17 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Appointment with Fear - The Speaking Clock by John Dickson Carr

The Speaking Clock by John Dickson Carr

Advice: General 28 minutes 07 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Appointment With Fear - The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe

The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe

Advice: General 32 minutes 18 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

To the Public Danger by Patrick Hamilton

51 minutes 10 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Produced and directed by John Cheatle. First broadcast on Friday 1st November 1940 on BBC Home Service Basic

Unman, Wittering and Zigo by Giles Cooper

01 hours 14 minutes 20 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Produced by Donald McWhinnie First broadcast on Tuesday 16th Dec 1958 on Third Programme

Hanging Judge by Raymond Massey

01 hours 27 minutes 16 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Starring Boris Karloff. Based on a novel by Bruce Hamilton, adapted by John Richmond. Produced by Cleland Finn. First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in December 1953.

Appointment with Fear - And The Deep Shuddered by Monckton Hoffe

27 minutes 28 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Introduced by The Man in Black - Valentine Dyall. Produced by Martyn C Webster. First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in November 1945.

Appointment with Fear - The Clock Strikes Eight by John Dickson Carr

30 minutes 17 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Introduced by The Man in Black - Valentine Dyall. Produced by Martyn C Webster. First broadcast on the BBC Home Service in May 1944.

Appointment with Fear - The Speaking Clock by John Dickson Carr

28 minutes 07 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Introduced by The Man in Black - Valentine Dyall. Produced by Martyn C Webster. First broadcast on BBC Light Programme in April 1944.

Appointment With Fear - The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe

32 minutes 18 seconds Available until 01 Jan 2030

Introduced by The Man in Black - Valentine Dyall. Dramatised by John Dickson Carr Produced by Val Gielgud & Martyn C Webster. First broadcast on the BBC Home Service in September 1943.